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The Benefits of Bankruptcy in Michigan

After the new bankruptcy law went into effect in October of 2005, many people were under the impression that bankruptcy relief was no longer available or too hard to obtain. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Bankruptcy is great way for hard working people who are facing difficult times to obtain a “fresh start” and rebuild their future. These days bankruptcy filings are rising at unprecedented rates, as millions of Americans have been faced with the loss of a job, unexpected injuries and chronic medical conditions resulting in insurmountable medical bills, or other circumstances that are beyond their control. No matter the situation, people who find themselves deep in debt need some relief and filing bankruptcy continues to be a legal, safe and affordable way to start over.

Bankruptcy can happen to anyone. People in every socioeconomic bracket face unexpected challenges in life. In fact, this year it is expected that over 1,500,000 Americans will seek relief under the bankruptcy code and begin to rebuild their future. Filing for bankruptcy doesn’t make you a bad person, It simply means you have had some bad luck. But before you file, it is extremely important for you to completely assess your situation and make sure that bankruptcy is the best available option to improve your situation.

There are many immediate advantages to filing relief under the Bankruptcy Code. First, there is the relief of the debt itself and the stress related to the collection of the debt. A bankruptcy case results in a “Discharge” of your debts. This means you are not legally obligated to pay them any longer. Debts that can be discharged include, but are not limited to, credit cards, medical bills, unsecured loans, judgments, and certain types of taxes. In some bankruptcy cases you can actually reorganize your mortgage and car loans, taxes and others types of debts that may not be discharged. The nice thing about this is that the court supervises the plan and the creditors have to participate – they do not get a choice.

The second major benefit of filing for bankruptcy is the automatic stay. This means that creditors are barred from calling and harassing you in order to collect debt. The automatic stay also halts lawsuits, prevents garnishments,averts repossessions of vehicles, and stops foreclosures and IRS seizures. Furthermore, if a bankruptcy case is filed before a state court enters a judgment of possession, you can also prevent eviction from a past-due, mortgaged house. You can also prevent your driver’s license from being yanked for any number of unpaid fines.

If you are seriously considering bankruptcy and you live in California, you need to consult with a Michigan bankruptcy lawyer. While the process is complicated, they will be able to help you understand your options and help you avoid making bad decisions that you could later regret. If you are over-burdened with bills and cannot see any light at the end of the tunnel , bankruptcy may be the best option to help you get that much needed fresh start and allow you to rebuild your future.The law offices of Firebaugh and Andrews.  Call today for a free debt consultation at 734-722-2999

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