734-722-2999 info@whychoosebankruptcy.com

Advantages & Disadvantages to a Michigan Chapter 13 payment plan:

Advantages to a Michigan Chapter 13 payment plan: If you choose and you can afford the payment plan, you can...

Michigan Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

There are a number of options to consider under the US Bankruptcy Code when it comes to dealing with debt...

Michigan Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Facts

Recovery after the recession that started in the U.S. at the end of 2007 has been slower than expected and...

Protecting Your Assets in Bankruptcy: Michigan Property Exemption Laws

Property you get to keep* The law of what has come to be called “Asset Protection” is actually a mixture...

Our new cartoon video

Our new cartoon video

Will Filing A Michigan Bankruptcy Wipe Out All My Debts?

Yes, with some exceptions. Bankruptcy will not normally wipe out: (1) money owed for child support or alimony, fines, and...

Michigan Bankruptcy Facts

Michigan residents who find themselves overwhelmed with debt can seek relief under the federal bankruptcy laws. There are two common...

The Benefits of Bankruptcy in Michigan

After the new bankruptcy law went into effect in October of 2005, many people were under the impression that bankruptcy...