734-722-2999 info@whychoosebankruptcy.com

What kinds of collection actions does bankruptcy stop?

Bankruptcy stops any sort of collection action that you can think of, except for criminal trials and child support matters. The list is too long to spell out in full, but here are some examples: Foreclosures, evictions, garnishments, lawsuits, state or federal tax collections, tax liens or penalties, harassing letters and phone calls, and anything else that might in any way be interpreted as an attempt to collect on a civil debt. Depending on your exact situation, some of those debts may still have to be dealt with after filing, but at least you will now have some control over the process. There are certain debts that can almost never be discharged, such as criminal fines, certain taxes, and child support. But even those debts can be spread out over time in a Chapter 13 plan.  Call Firebaugh & Andrews for a free consultation 734-722-299

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