734-722-2999 info@whychoosebankruptcy.com

Debt Challenges

7 debt challenges you maybe facing:

  • Credit Card Debt:  If you’re overwhelmed by credit card debt, you’re not alone. For many people, unmanageable credit card debt is a big factor in their decision to file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. According to the Federal Reserve, American consumers are currently carrying more than $800 billion in credit card debt. And, about 4.5 million of those credit card accounts are delinquent. Fortunately, help is available.
  • Foreclosure: Ignoring foreclosure notices won’t make the problem go away: It’s important to take action. By speaking with Firebaugh & Andrews  you can obtain advice tailored to your situation and the peace of mind that comes from knowing an experienced professional is on your side.
  • Medical Expenses:  We understand that any medical emergency can leave many families struggling with debt. In fact, you are not alone: over 62% of bankruptcies in 2007 resulted from medical debt. If you are facing constant harassment from debt collectors and feel like you are losing control of your life because of your debt.
  • Wage Garnishment:  Wage garnishment can tip the scales, turning a tough financial situation into an impossible one. If money was already tight, the added strain of a smaller paycheck may be the breaking point. Or, it can be the point at which you draw the line and turn things around. Wage garnishment can be stopped.
  • Creditor Harassment:  When you’re overwhelmed by debt, the last thing you need is additional stress. Unfortunately, that doesn’t stop creditors and debt collectors from looking for your pressure points. Harassing telephone calls, threats of legal action, embarrassing calls to family and friends similarly stressful tactics are all too common.  We can help.
  • Tax Forgiveness: Are you eligible for tax forgiveness for back taxes owed to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)? Many people believe that tax debt cannot be discharged through bankruptcy, but that is false. Filing bankruptcy can result in back taxes, as well as interests and penalties, being discharged. Do you qualify for tax forgiveness? Fireaugh  & Andrews can help you determine your eligibility.
  • Vehicle Repossession:  In the state of Michigan, according to the Business & Commerce Code, the “secured party has the right to claim possession of collateral upon the default of a loan unless other agreements were made in a legal contract.” In other words, your vehicle can be repossessed if you stop making payments. There does not have to be a court order.

You can have confidence choosing to work with Firebaugh and Andrews. We have helped thousands of clients over our  50 years combined experience .  You can rely on us during this difficult time.

Call Firebaugh & Andrews today for your free consultation 

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